Sunday, December 14, 2014

What is your New Years Resolution? | Timothy Valentin

What is your New Years Resolution? | Timothy Valentin

If you are like most people, your New Years resolution will either be "Get in Shape" or "Lose Weight" or both. A great resolution but unfortunately most people will fail.

New Years Resolution-Get some help.

Most people fail because they don't have a system to plug into or try to "Make it happen" all on their own.  You can join Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig and improve your chances of success if you primary goal is weight loss but what if you also want to get FIT? You can team up with Beachbody, watch this short video to find out how Beachbody can help you to successfully lose weight and get fit--keep this year's resolution.

 Join Beachbody today!!

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Not ready to decide....Get More Info

Let's face it...

Most people are not fitness or nutrition experts and need help, especially when it comes to making changes to your current lifestyle.  How do you make changes? What changes do you need to make? How do you keep motivated when the going gets tuff?

These are all questions that Beachbody has answers for and as a Beachbody coach I can help you with.  Beachbody has a system for fitness and nutrition that you can easily plug into. A system that will lead you to success with your weight and fitness goals.

Tools to create your own custom meal plans, workout program and an active user community are part of this system.

You can access this system in three easy ways:

1. Join as a free club member. You won't get full access to everything Beachbody has to offer but the free membership will allow to start plugging into the system at no cost to you.

2. Sign up to be a regular club member.  For a small weekly fee you will gain access to more of the features of Beachbody's online Gym, fitness and nutrition tools (build your own custom meal plan) and you will save 10% on all Beachbody products.

3.Finally you can elect to become a coach which will enable you to take full advantage of Beachbody's system and save 25% on all of you Beachbody purchases.

Help others...

One of the best things about being a Beachbody Coach is getting the opportunity to help others achieve their New Years Resolution.

If you are looking for help with yours resolution and need more info feel free to "click here for more info" or contact me at

Timothy Valentin Team Beachbody Coach

Timothy Valentin

Team Beachbody Coach