Friday, November 28, 2014

Homebased Workouts-Testimonials | Timothy Valentin

Homebased Workouts-Testimonials | Timothy Valentin

Ever Wonder if those "Homebased Workouts" like P90X and Insanity really work?  Can ordinary people actually see results.  I have included a number of testimonials from people who got great results using these workouts.

Homebased Workouts-Testimonials

Coby Linder:

Coby knew he needed a change in his life.  5' 7" tall, and weighting 230 pounds he started working out with P90X, here is his story:

TIP! Weight training is vital in a well-rounded fitness program. While not every program needs to concentrate on building muscle mass like a pro weightlifter, some attention to weight training is necessary for every fitness regimen.

Deborah Baska:

Deborah shares her story of how Beachbody helped her become sober, gain a career she loves, and how it gave her freedom to work her own hours and be with her family.

TIP! Cardio training is another vital piece of the total fitness puzzle. Cardiovascular exercise - exercise that elevates the heart rate and respiration - burns fat, improves performance and contributes to overall health and fitness.
  There are many more Beachbody success stories that you can checkout by using the link below. To get more information regarding about becoming a Beachbody Coach checkout this: Beachbody Coach Opportunity.

TIP! Schedule your time to workout the same way you schedule your important appointments. Your health and fitness are just as important to your life as your next doctor's appointment, so treat it the same way.

Checkout more Beachbody Success Stories .

My own story

I have had great results using several of Beachbody's home workout programs: P90X, Insanity, and Les Mills Combat to list a few.  Not only have I lost weight but I have learned a lot about physical fitness and eating healthy.  I have been able to improve my fitness level and range of motion using various "homebased workouts" from Beachbody. I feel great and am in the best shape of my life.
TIP! When strength training for health and fitness, make sure that for each set of abdominal exercises you perform, you do a corresponding set of lower back exercises. This is an important tip to follow, because concentrating only on abdominal muscles and neglecting your back, can cause poor posture and chronic low back pain.
I am passionate about fitness and optimistic about my future. Beachbody is a great company and has a great product line that is helping thousands of people improve their lives both physically and financially. Contact me to see how you too can be a part of the Beachbody experience.

 Hope to hear from you soon!  
TIP! Working out twice a week for twenty minutes is the minimum, entry-level exercise plan for basic health and fitness. This low goal is a good starting point for inexperienced exercisers or those just coming out of a very unhealthy lifestyle.

Timothy Valentin
Team Beachbody Coach

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Losing Weight, Keep it Simple | Timothy Valentin

Losing Weight, Keep it Simple | Timothy Valentin

Having problems losing weight?  Maybe you are just making it too complicated?  Here are a couple of simple tips that can help you drop the weight you have been working so hard to lose--at least without the "hard" part.

Simple tip #1 Drink more water

Yes, if you are dehydrated you will tend to eat more so make sure you are consuming enough water each day.  You should drink half your body weight in ounces of water per day. So if you weight 120 pounds you should drink 60 ounces of water a day--at least.  Drink more if you have been working out and sweating a lot.

Simple Tip #2-Eat just enough.

Do you eat until you are stuffed to the gills? Try eating smaller meals and walking away from the table feeling "Comfortable" and follow tip #1-drink more water.  Eat your salad first to add roughage--try eating your salad dry to reduce the calories and add some color (Mandarin oranges, and roasted almonds). The roughage will help you to feel full so when you get to the main course you will not be inclined to eat as much.

Simple Tip #3-drop the junk!

Soda pop for the most part has no nutritional value at all and in many cases only provides a nutritional detriment to the consumer.  The acids destroy the enamel in your teeth and the bubbly stuff can absorb calcium.  If you are taking a calcium supplement and consuming a can of soda, you are more than likely wasting the money you spend on your supplements.

Beachbody Blog Article: 3 Simple Ways to Lose Weight

Wishing success with your weight loss,

Timothy Valentin

Team Beachbody Coach