Sunday, April 13, 2014

Eat Right Stay Healthy with Shakeology | Timothy Valentin

Eat Right Stay Healthy with Shakeology | Timothy Valentin

Eat Right Stay Healthy with Shakeology, that is what I have been doing for almost two years. When I added Shakology to my diet it make eating right a much easier task.

Eat Right Stay Healthy,

Early on in my quest for better health and fitness, I realized that would need more than just a good workout program. I would need to have a good nutrition program as well.  I added Shakeology,

Since I started drinking Shakeology, I have all but stopped taking antacid medications. The probiotics that are in Shakeology have solved my digestion problems. I was getting concerned that I was taking too many antacid tablets but I don't have that worry. I have also found my energy levels to be more consistent, I don't have days where I feel tired and run down all day long.

Nothing to Lose!

Yup, I had nothing to lose by trying Shakeology and everything to gain, and so do you. Why? Beachbody has a 30 day "bottom of the bag" guarantee. I you don't like Shakeology or if by some chance it doesn't agree with you, return the bag for a refund.  Nothing to lose.

On the other hand, there is plenty to lose by not trying Shakeology--your health! Overtime Shakeology can help you stay healthier and avoid a very expensive medical bill.  I my case, I no longer need to buy antacid tablets which were costing me about $40 per month (yeah I was using them a lot).

Yeah Shakeology has a cost, it amounts about the same as a Starbucks Latte ($4.00 per day), but what is better health worth to you? If you are having health issues you at least owe it to yourself to try Shakeology (remember you have nothing to lose).  If you are on prescription medications make sure you check with our doctor. I have included a link below where you can go to find out more about Shakelogy, cost, ingredients and how to order.

The bottom line is I use Shakelogy because I like it and I helps me to "Eat Right Stay Healthy!"

Learn More about Shakelolgy-->Shakeology Information

Buy Shakeology Now-->Buy Shakeology

Timothy Valentin Team Beachbody Coach
Timothy Valentin
Team Beachbody Coach

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