Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tips for Getting Past a Weight Loss Plateau | Timothy Valentin

Dieting?  Here are some tips for getting past a weight loss plateau.  Here are five simple things that you can do to push past a weight loss plateau. Some of these may surprise you. Following any one of these tips can help you break through your plateau.
Tips for Getting Past a Weight Loss Plateau-Reset

Tips for Getting Past a Weight Loss Plateau

#1-vary your calorie intake

Keep in mind that most people who hit a plateau are under-eating so make sure that you are getting enough fuel for your body. As far as the number of calories to intake, there is no magic number so you may have to play around with them a bit but the concept works.

Mixing up your calorie intake can help keep your body guessing so that it doesn't settle into a grove.  If you are on a 1400 calorie plan drop down to 1200 one day and then bump it up to 1800 for a day then go back to the 1400 limit.

#2-Add variety to your workout

If you are doing the same workout every day you should make some changes. For example if you go for a jog every day, try going on a long bike ride or add in some hi-intensity interval training. Or you can do something as simple is dropping down and doing an extra ten push ups.

Workout routines from Beachbody like Insanity, P90X and Les Mills Combat add variety in as part of the workout.


Yup nuts, almonds in particular are a very good snack.  Instead of reaching for some potato chips, grab a handful of almonds. Almonds are about the best choice but other nuts will do as well, so if you don't like almonds then try walnuts.  Nuts are high in fiber and fatty acids.


You body needs proper time to make repairs, so if you are hitting it hard during your workouts, make sure you get enough sleep.  If you over-train, your body could be holding on to some extra weight.  If you have been really hitting the workout hard the first thing you need to do is make sure you get more sleep.

#5--Relax do some Yoga?

Stress can have adverse affects on your body, it causes your body to release a hormone called "Cortisol." Cortisol works like a performance enhancing drug and helps your body get through tough times but only for a short time.  If your body has to release Cortisol too often it will resort to other survival techniques one of which is to retain more body fat.  Try doing some forced relaxation techniques or Yoga. Yoga forces you into a more relaxed state even if you are very stressed out, so give it a try.

If you need a lot of stress relief dig into Yoga X that is part of P90X or you can go with Yoga Booty Ballet® Pure and Simple Yoga to get a little lighter workout.

Hope you enjoyed these "tips for getting past a weight loss plateau" and you find some relief by using them. Feel free to like and share liberally!

Team Beachbody Coach
Timothy Valentin
Team Beachbody Coach

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